Bullets are the beauty of the Blistering sky.


taken from


The way out, I think, is to cultivate reasoning. To have principles that are true. That’s what a therapist does to help you understand and get over your problems, but personally, I wouldn’t want to see one because you’re paying them to pretend to be your friend. It also pisses me off that anyone other than me would have power over me because my past I guess.
That’s another thing, I didn’t buy into this idea that you needed others to be happy. Maybe a good friend would spruce things up but I’m perfectly fine working on my own shit. Anyways, when I think about pure reasoning as a concept, things start becoming a little more coherent to me. I think that was what I was looking for, some sense, a strong foundation with suitable answers for my insecurities. Reasons I could bring myself to believe in my strength. What you want is peace, & relief. It’s the definition of success, no more conflict. You should make the distinction of whether your weakness is a law or just an observation of circumstances that you think is a law.